Only for a season…..

November 21, 2007

Some days I feel like all I do is clean up bodily fluids.  I am potty training Henry which makes for tons more laundry(but less in the end I hope).  Henry and Jack both have colds so I am wiping snotty noses all day.  I, of course, have to change Jack’s diaper and wipe up his spit up and then take Zoey, our dog out to do her business.  Jack wet our bed last night so I am washing our sheets….again….I just did it yesterday.  To top it all off, Henry was sick last night and I am now washing all of his bedding and his coat, scarf, and hat from last nights vomiting episodes.  These are the days when I remind myself that this will only be for a season and the season really will go too fast and I should spend my time enjoying them being little no matter how dependent they are  rather than wishing it were over.



This is a great picture that my brother, Johnny took last winter of the woods at my parents house in one of the snowfalls we had last year.  Snow doesn’t happen a ton here so it’s always exciting when we get it.  It sucks when you have to drive in it because it’s usually sloppy but it is so beautiful.   My parents have great property with woods that we had free reign of when we were kids…..and the kids that are still home are still getting to enjoy it.   I am so looking forward to snow this year.  I really hope we get a good snowfall for Henry to play in.  Last year he wasn’t old enough to like it.  He  was fascinated with it through the window or when we were holding him but he screamed when we set him down in it.  I hope he is old enough to love it this year.


One Response to “Only for a season…..”

  1. dbaron Says:

    Oh my gosh, I could relate so much to your post. Elise just got sick for the first time. I can’t imagine 2, plus a puppy. I have the dates I am coming home, I will call you soon

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